Bourque Émissaires at Camp TradMaD

Next August, my son Antoine and myself (Bourque Émissaires duo) will have the pleasure to be part of the staff at TradMaD Camp in Massachussetts. The camp will take place at the gorgeous Pinewoods Camp in Plymouth. One week of dance, music, singing.

Registration are now open. We’ll give you more detailed in a few months.

See website :

Bourque émissaires at Musique sur le fleuve

This coming Sunday Aug. 11th, I will play in Verchères in a duet format “Bourque Émissaires” (father and son with Antoine Pigeon-Bourque, my son of course) for the charming festival Musique sur le fleuve.

It’s in Parc des Pionniers, in the heart of Verchères, close to the St-Lauwrence river, at noon, and it is free !

Also, from 9:30 to 11:15, at restaurant L-Cafétal (617 Marie-Victorin), Thierry & Mortimer (traditional and medieval music) will uplift your breakfast with music.

“Musique sur le fleuve” Festival

Yesterday, we went to the press conference for the program launch of the 5th edition of Musique sur le fleuve – concert every Sunday of August in Verchères, near the statue of Madeleine de Verchères, at noon.

World music and jazz.  You can also hear new emerging musicians at L-Cafétal restaurant on Sunday mornings.

New-Bedford Folk Festival

Once again this year, I was invited to the New-Bedford Folk Festival (formerly named Greater New-Bedford Summerfest) as a duet with my son Antoine (piano accordion).   Again, it was a great festival with great musicians such as John Whelan, Kevin Burke, Visthen trio, The Kennedeys, Beppe Gambetta and many more.  New this year : concerts at The Zeiterion, a gorgeous theatre with 1,200 seating places.  I’m already looking forward to next year.

Thanks to the organisers Helene and Alan Korolenko, and  to the whole team !

Gravelbourg, “Sakatchewan’s cultural gem”.

Gravelbourg, “Sakatchewan’s cultural gem”.  I’ll be there mid-April for dance workshops with the folk dance troup “Les danseurs de la rivière la vieille” with my colleague France Bourque (no, she is not my sister nor my wife). 

It’s always with great pleasure that I got back to Gravelbourg !

Concerts-lancements de l’album “Appellation d’origine contrôlée”

Concerts-lancements de l’album “Appellation d’origine contrôlée” :
lundi 28 novembre, à l’Impérial de Québec. billetterie : 418-523-3131 ;
mercredi 30 novembre au La Tulipe à Montréal, billetterie : 514-529-0000
Avec invités directement du Pays basque !

La Bottine Souriante CD launch concerts next week :
Monday Nov. 28th, Théâtre Impérial, Québec city ; 418-523-3131 ;
Wednesday Nov. 30th, La Tulipe, Montréal, 514-529-0000
With guest musicians directly from the Basque Country !